A Prayer, for lack of better words

A feeling of tragedy and sadness hangs over us and clouds our days.

Some in Jerusalem may fear the air raid sirens and sleep with the lights on, but we can sleep knowing that we will wake in the morning. Others in Gaza lie awake all night not knowing whether they will see the sun rise again.

God of light, reveal yourself in the darkness.

Senseless killing rages every day with a death toll of 1,650 Gazans and 66 Israelis. Homes and neighborhoods are obliterated. News, emails, and even Facebooks are flooded with images of death and destruction.

God of creation, put an end to the destruction.

Some weep and some cannot. The rockets fly, thousands are dying as everyday many lose the ability to express emotions in words. At the same time, violence erupts in other places of our world – in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and even in the streets of the Western World.

God of peace and wholeness, restore the long lost peace of this world and be with us in our sadness.

Many think to themselves and admit to each other with sad sighs, “There is no way this will end well.”

God of hope, grant us steadfastness and strength for tomorrow.

There is sadness, anger, and a loss for the right words more often than not. Even in the midst of our convictions, we sometimes fear to speak up for fear of being criticized, attacked, and dragged into a useless argument.

God of wisdom, grant us a prophetic voice and the courage and discernment to use it.

God of love and goodness, break into our world today. Reveal yourself among the poor, suffering, and oppressed. Remind us of your presence among the outcasts, on the margins of society. Remind us of your disdain for earthly power. Comfort those in distress, mothers and fathers who have lost children, children who have lost parents and siblings. Move the hearts of the world to action, save us from our fear and complacency. Open our eyes to the injustices and pain around us as well as to your presence in our midst.
And may the Spirit intercede for us when there are no words even for our prayers.